Standing Strong for Public Education We are NEARI Retired
We retire from our jobs, not our calling
Your dedication to your life's work doesn't end when you retire, and your membership in your union doesn't need to either.
NEARI Retired offers members meaningful opportunities to connect with fellow retired members, advocate for positive changes, and have a productive and successful retirement. By belonging to NEARI Retired, you will stay up to date on critical issues in education, remain engaged in your profession, and maintain access to valuable benefits.
NEARI Retired Leadership
NEARI Retired Officers 2024-2026
Ray Pouliot, President
Donna Meizoso, 1st Vice President
Jean Goulet, 2nd Vice President
Steve Diomandes, Treasurer
Larry Purtill, Secretary
At-Large Executive Committee Members 2024-2026
Mike Twohey
Fran Harris
Roger Ferland
Nancy Ryan
Linda Martin
Anna Sullivan
Joan Hernandez
Alice Gordon
Joe Gordon
Cheryl Hawes
President Pouliot represents NEA Rhode Island retirees, state, and municipal workers. He is also vice chairperson of the Rhode Island Public Employees Retiree Coalition (RIPERC) of which NEA Rhode Island Retired is a member. Before retiring, Ray taught social studies in the East Greenwich School system for 35 years.
As NEARI Retired President, Ray is active in advocates for the respect, dignity, and care that NEARI Retired members deserve. Watch his testimony at the Pension Advisory Group.
NEARI Retired Organized and Involved
A Voice on the National Level
Members of NEARI Retired also belong to NEA-Retired, where we use the power of 320,000 voices to make change for retirees and for public education on issues ranging from repealing GPO-WEP to advocating for a national school meals program to protecting voting rights.
NEA-Retired is governed by a nine-member Executive Council, elected by NEA-Retired members. NEA-Retired members serve on various committees within NEA and meet annually in June to conduct the business of the organization.