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Valarie Lawson smiling at her notes at the podium while speaking at the NEARI Lobby Day press conference in 2024

Press Releases

Press Releases and Media Advisories
Read the latest breaking news from NEARI. Reporters: For more information, contact Communications Director Stephanie DeSilva Mandeville at [email protected].

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NEA Press Release

Coalition Sues Trump Administration For Dismantling Department of Education, Hurting All Students

March 24, 2025
Advocacy organizations representing millions of educators, civil rights champions, school employees, students, and families will file a lawsuit Monday to stop the Trump Administration’s illegal attempts to dismantle the United States Department of Education. The plaintiffs include the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), public school parents, The National Education Association (NEA), and AFSCME Maryland Council 3, and they are supported by Student Defense and Education Law Center (ELC).
NEA Press Release

Educators, parents, and students host walk-ins to protect our students and families

March 19, 2025
Thousands of educators, parents, families, students, and community leaders sent a message to federal, state, and local elected officials around the nation today, holding hundreds of walk-in events throughout the country in support of the strong public schools and other protections students and communities need to thrive.