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becky pringle freedom to learn

Go all in with us to PROTECT PUBLIC SCHOOLS

Educators and parents know that America's students need more opportunities to succeed, and we need to strengthen our public schools where 90% of students learn.

Public education is a cornerstone of our democracy. Unfortunately, some politicians seek to dramatically slash funding that helps reduce class sizes, feed hungry students, provide special education services, and lower the cost of college and vocational schools. 

Students from lower income-families students in rural, suburban, and urban communities in every part of the country would be hit the hardest, further exacerbating the economic inequity in our communities. 

Public schools and the U.S. Department of Education exist because all students, with and without disabilities, in every state and neighborhood, have the right to an education that imparts academic lessons, life skills, and a lifelong love of learning.

This is why we are coming together to protect equitable educational opportunities and access to critical resources for schools, students, and educators. We will be heard from the school board to the Senate demanding they protect and strengthen public schools for our students, families, and ourselves.

Use our resources to learn more and take action protect public schools. 

What Students Stand to Lose

Public education cuts lead to larger class sizes and less support for students and educators, especially those who are most vulnerable or in need of special services, financial aid for college and career training, and protections from discrimination.
Student with paint on hands

Special Education

Students with disabilities and their families would lose the support they need at school and at home.
Higher Ed classroom

College Affordability

Students who receive support for career training or to attend two- and four-year colleges could lose Pell Grants and federal student loans, leading to fewer options for families and more students dropping out.
Woman outside holding a sign that says "we are the future" in front of an American flag

Immigration Justice

We need immigration policies that are humane, functional, and just—not ones that sow isolation and fear.
Transwomen marching and holding signs that say "women," "love only knows equality," and "united for equality"

Protecting LGBTQ+ Students

Our LGBTQ+ students need us to ensure our schools are places where all students are protected and empowered.
An elementary school student moves a lunch tray down the cafeteria line. On the line, you can see that the child has a wide variety of fresh vegetables to choose from.

School Meals and Child Nutrition

Our students learn better when they are not hungry. We need to protect free and reduced-price school meal programs like SNAP from disastrous cuts.
educators at the Capitol rallying for public schools

Bring the Impact Home

Step-by-step guide to hosting community events and actions locally
Stephanie Mandeville at podium speaking at Lobby Day
"It is more important than ever for educators, parents, and communities to unite in action. If Elon Musk wants to steal money from our kids to fund his tax breaks, he’ll have to go through us first."

Our Schools

Some politicians want to use public funds for private schools, forcing public schools to increase class sizes and eliminate afterschool programs and funds for improving school buildings. Together, we have the power to defeat the effort to dismantle our neighborhood public schools.
school voucher protest


Vouchers steal scarce funding from public schools—which serve 90 percent of students—and give it to private schools that are unaccountable to taxpayers.
Educator teaching science lesson to young students

Education Funding

Class sizes will balloon and after-school programs will disappear if federal funding goes away for public schools that serve lower income students and their families in rural, suburban, and urban communities in every part of the country.
teen boy outside school

School Modernization

Some politicians want to roll back President Biden’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which allocates funds to replace lead pipes. It also improves and builds new school buildings.
Minnesota Capitol

Understand Your Rights

Our guide helps public school teachers and support staff understand their rights when speaking up for public education and students.


We dedicate our lives to ensuring students can learn and grow in safe, welcoming environments. But some anti-public education politicians want to push us out of the profession with hostile work environments, low pay, and no respect, so they can justify school vouchers that give away public school funds to private schools.
A young woman shelves books in a library

Censorship and Bans

All children deserve well-trained and supported educators and curriculum to help them reckon with our past and shape our future.
Young Black educator with bullhorn

Collective Bargaining Rights

We won’t let anyone weaken our union and collective bargaining rights so they can keep wages low, create hostile work environments, and privatize public schools.


Every American has a right to comprehensive, affordable health coverage.
a person's fist painted with rainbow colors of the Pride flag

Educator Support for Transgender, Nonbinary and Intersex Students

NEA Legal and Employment Guidance: Setting the Record Straight on the K-12 Schooling Executive Order

Why we have a Department of Education 

The U.S. Department of Education was founded to help realize the promise of a quality public school for every student no matter where they live, the color of their skin, or how much their family makes.

Proposals to eliminate or defund it will force our students and public schools to pay the cost.

Larger class sizes and less support for students and educators.
Lower income students and their families in rural, suburban, and urban communities in every part of the country would lose needed funding.
Students and families who receive support to attend college and vocational schools could lose Pell Grants or federal student loans, leading to more students dropping out, fewer choices, and less options for families.
Students with disabilities and their families would lose the support they need at school and at home.
Students with disabilities and lower-income students and their families would lose access to Upward Bound, TRIO and other programs that encourage them to participate in higher education.
Cuts to afterschool and summer programs will undo the progress educators make with tutoring, reductions in chronic absenteeism, and providing skill-building programs.
Black and white photo of the White House with storm clouds above

Five Reasons Educators Are Wary as Second Trump Term Begins

A handful of powerful politicians aim to gut federal programs that support public schools and colleges. Together, educators and parents can defeat their agenda.

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Educators and parents will not stand for the destruction of our country's commitment to equal educational opportunities for all students.
NEARI logo

A labor union and professional organization.

Our Association is a remarkable blend of union and professional organization, with a proud history of serving Rhode Island. Since its inception in 1845, our members have been at the center of every struggle to advance the finest of American dreams: the promise of a quality public education for every child. One in every 100 Rhode Islanders is a member - chances are, you know us already!