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Issue Explainer

Pension Relief

Pension improvements to address the reforms enacted in 2011 were a top priority for NEARI in 2024.
NEARI members at a dinner are all calling legislators on their cell phones.
Published: September 27, 2024


NEA speaks up for the rights of students. Browse recent messages to Congressional leadership, and add your voice.

Pension Relief Victory: We did this together!

Learn how NEARI members fought for and won pension relief in 2024.
June 2024

Pension Relief passed in the Rhode Island State Budget

Following months of NEARI members and allies calling on the state legislature to deliver pension relief, the General Assembly tackled the retirement issues by changing the pension calculation of benefits to use the highest three years of salary instead of five ("the 5-to-3 bill"), which impacts every one of our active members regardless of date of hire. Additionally, the COLA was restored for those who retired prior to 2012. Also, COLA restoration for all others will now go into effect when the pension fund is 75 percent funded instead of 80 percent.
April 25, 2024

NEARI testifies to support pension relief for active and retired members

NEARI Lobbyist Erich Haslehurst testified on multiple retirement bills before a joint HouseEducation & Finance hearing. In his testimony, Eric shares how NEARI is on record supporting pension relief for active and retired members. In fact, over the last many months, NEARI has publicly supported nearly every pension bill heard at the General Assembly! Watch the recorded testimony.
April 11, 2024

Pension improvement bills submitted at the General Assembly

Representative Jay Edwards and Senator Walter Felag submitted legislation in their respective chambers to address pension relief for Rhode Island teachers and municipal and state employees. Both bills put forward the 5 to 3 average salary change in how an employee in the ERSRI has their pension benefit calculated (keep reading for details on 5 to 3 and why NEARI recommends it as the 2024 strategy toward increasing pension benefits for all active members in the ERSRI system).
February 6, 2024
NEARI members wearing NEARI branded scarves laugh together in folding chairs at lobby day in 2024.

NEARI members advocate at Lobby Day

When more than 120 NEARI members came to the State House to advocate for strong public education and good jobs for all, they urged legislators to support legislation for pension relief.
December 2023

NEARI Retired testifies at Pension Advisory Group hearing

NEARI-Retired President Ray Pouliot testified in the Pension Advisory Working Group Session Three on behalf of NEARI Retired members. You can watch his testimony here.
November 2023

NEARI testifies at Pension Advisory Group hearing

Executive Director Mary Barden and Vice President Amy Mullen testified at the second session of the Pension Advisory Working Group empaneled by General Treasurer James Diossa. Watch the testimony here.

Bills in the Legislature

Learn NEARI's position on pending legislation related to public education, and take action to protect our schools

Speak Up For Students and Public Schools

When we act together and raise our collective voice, we can improve the lives of children.
NEARI members smiling together on a couch at the State House wearing NEARI scarves.

Our Voice = Our Power

When we unite and speak truth to power, we can have an enormous impact. That’s why our members join together to create a future where schools are funded, educators are supported, and students are thriving.

A labor union and professional organization.

Our Association is a remarkable blend of union and professional organization, with a proud history of serving Rhode Island. Since its inception in 1845, our members have been at the center of every struggle to advance the finest of American dreams: the promise of a quality public education for every child. One in every 100 Rhode Islanders is a member - chances are, you know us already!