You need to consider a seat at the table. Our brothers, the Longshoremen, just faced wage cuts and the threat of increased automation taking away their work. They went on an historic port strike that grabbed the attention of all Americans. They bargained an extension to the contract which suspended the strike and received the promise of a pay raise. Do not take this for granted. We fought dearly for organized labor in this country, and I fear some of the history of this long legacy may get lost.
When I look around the tables at the NEARI delegate assemblies, I see mostly people my age or older. Not good. In fact, if it weren’t for the 2012 pension reform, we may not even be at the table. Last year, I was part of a negotiating committee that fought very hard to avoid cuts and get a pay raise. Simply put, if you do not get involved, who will negotiate in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
Quote byLisa Nichols, Ph.D. , Grade 6 Social Studies, Burrillville Middle School and Secretary of Burrillville Teachers Union
Without involvement you leave change up to administrative offices and corporations and politicians. You do not want this. Not only will you be working more years (thanks to pension reform), but you will be faced with increased hours, caseloads, and class size; decreased wages and benefits and unassigned time. This hurts you and it hurts students. This is not an empty threat. It has already occurred – just look at the non-unionized charters. They are filled with “young rock stars” that will burn out of the profession in a few years. Short shelf life for a profession that used to be filled with lifetimers who were celebrated for their devotion and commitment to the country’s most “noble of professions.”
Rhode Island has a long tradition of unionization. In fact, the first wage strike took place in Pawtucket, “the birthplace of industry,” in 1824 when workers faced a one hour increase in their day and a 25% cut in their wages. They fought back and won.
Embrace the tradition and get involved so your generation doesn’t see the end of unions pushing back against unfair labor practices and advocating for teachers and students. Start simple: ask to be part of a delegate assembly, become a building representative, attend a lobby day, read about the change that NEARI and lobbying fought for and won last year when we achieved the 5 to 3 option. We need you to grab a chair and pull it up to the table. It is an urgent call.
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