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Press Release

NEARI announces endorsed candidates

In 2024, Rhode Islanders will determine who is elected to the Presidency, the Congress, Rhode Island House of Representatives, the Rhode Island Senate, and many school committee and other local races.
Published: October 15, 2024

As Rhode Island readies for early voting tomorrow, the National Education Association Rhode Island Political Action Committee for Education (NEARI-PACE) today announced their list of endorsed candidates for the 2024 General Election. NEARI-PACE made recommendations for ballot questions and encouraged Rhode Islanders to get engaged and make a plan to vote.

“From local school committee and General Assembly to U.S. Congress and President of the United States, it is critical that voters go to the polls and support pro-public education, pro-worker candidates,” said NEARI-PACE chair and NEARI Vice President Amy Mullen. “Our students deserve the freedom to learn an honest education taught by well-trained and supported educators and curriculum. Working people in the Ocean State deserve fair salaries and benefits, safe workspaces, and dignity and respect on the job and in retirement.”

More information is available at

Reject Question 1
NEARI recommends voters reject a constitutional convention. While it may appear that voters get a direct voice in state government, the door would be open to outside special interests who could spend millions to privatize public education, weaken union rights, and attack public sector workers.

Harris for President
The choice is clear – Kamala Harris and Tim Walz share our vision for better wages, and working conditions for all educators, better public schools that uplift all students, and better opportunities for our families.

U.S. Congress 
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse
Congressman Gabe Amo – Dist. 1
Congressman Seth Magaziner – Dist. 2

R.I. Senate 

Dist. 5        Senator Sam Bell
Dist. 8        Lori Urso
Dist. 10    Senator Walter Felag
Dist. 13    Senator Dawn Euer
Dist. 19    Senator Ryan Pearson
Dist. 24    Senator Melissa Murray
Dist. 25    Andrew Dimitri
Dist. 26    Todd Patalano
Dist. 29    Peter Appollonio
Dist. 31    Senator Matthew LaMountain
Dist. 37    Senator V. Susan Sosnowski
Dist. 38    Senator Victoria Gu


R.I. House of Representatives

15    Maria Bucci
16    Representative Brandon Potter
21    James McElroy
22    Representative Joseph Solomon Jr.
27    Representative Patricia Serpa
28    Scott Guthrie
31    Representative Julie Casimiro
33    Representative Carol Hagan McEntee
34    Representative Teresa Tanzi
35    Representative Kathleen Fogarty
39    Representative Megan Cotter
42    Kelsey Coletta
43    Representative Deborah Fellela
44    Representative Gregory Costantino
45    Representative Mia Ackerman
46    Rep. Mary Ann Shallcross Smith
53    Bernard Hawkins
57    Representative Brandon Voas
61    Representative Leonela Felix
66    Representative Jennifer Smith Boylan
68    Representative June Speakman
69    Representative Susan Donovan
70    Representative John Edwards


A labor union and professional organization.

Our Association is a remarkable blend of union and professional organization, with a proud history of serving Rhode Island. Since its inception in 1845, our members have been at the center of every struggle to advance the finest of American dreams: the promise of a quality public education for every child. One in every 100 Rhode Islanders is a member - chances are, you know us already!