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NEA Professional Learning

Register for our (Facilitated) Supporting Multilingual Learners Online Blended Learning Courses

Today, more than 55% of educators in the United States have at least one multilingual learner (ML) in the classroom. That’s why it’s critical for all educators to be familiar with the key roles that parent and community involvement, legal protections, and policies, advocacy, and community organizing play in supporting these students in learning core academic content.
teaching reading
Published: February 25, 2025
This resource originally appeared on

At a Glance

Today, more than 55% of educators in the United States have at least one multilingual learner (ML) in the classroom. That’s why it’s critical for all educators to be familiar with the key roles that parent and community involvement, legal protections, and policies, advocacy, and community organizing play in supporting these students in learning core academic content.


  • Culturally Responsive Education
  • Multi-Lingual Learners
  • Positive School Environments
  • Professional Responsibilities
  • Student Learning


  • Multilingual Learners



  • Elementary School
  • High School
  • Middle School

Session Length

1 hour each

Session Format


As participants of NEA online facilitated courses, education professionals practice, learn, design, and implement educational action plans tailored or matched to the unique learning needs of emergent multilingual learners to create more inclusive classrooms.

All NEA online professional learning courses run six weeks with suggested deadlines to help you pace yourself and provide a certificate for 15 hours* of professional development upon completion.

Courses run April 7 – May 17, 2025

Supporting Multilingual Learners Schedule

Note: NEA blended learning courses are offered at no cost to NEA members. Non-members may enroll for a $100 fee.

Register now! Space is limited.

* Disclaimer: NEA Blended Learning course participants are encouraged to review the laws and procedures particular to their home state or country regarding the acceptance of NEA 15 contact hours for professional credit.

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