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NEARI asks RIDE to reject RISE Prep Charter Amendment

NEARI’s Government Relations Director Fil Eden submitted a letter urging the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education to reject a charter amendment proposed by RISE Prep.
Submitted on: December 4, 2024

December 4, 2024

Council on Elementary and Secondary Education
Rhode Island Department of Education
255 Westminster St. 
Providence, RI 02903

Via Email

Dear Members of the Council on Elementary and Secondary Education,

The National Education Association Rhode Island (NEARI) is writing in opposition to the proposed amendment that RISE Prep be allowed to change its governance structure from a Mayoral Academy to that of an Independent Charter School.

RISE Prep was approved as a Mayoral Academy and should remain in that category.  Less than a year ago, RISE Prep was approved by the Council for a significant expansion and at that time this issue was not raised by RISE Prep.

This proposed change would significantly increase the annual cost to Woonsocket Public Schools by approximately $500,000 at a time when the district itself is already facing significant school budget issues. This change will only further strain the limited resources and funding of Woonsocket Public Schools by shifting those funds to a parallel school system. In reality, it will just shift one school’s financial issues to another.

Woonsocket Public Schools have also had to cut programming and staff, and this will only increase their need to do so. In fact, many public schools have faced budget shortfalls in the last few years, and particularly this year with the loss of federal ARPA funding.

NEARI strongly opposes this amendment to RISE Prep’s Charter and encourages the Council to reject it.


Fil Eden
Government Relations Director
National Education Association Rhode Island

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A labor union and professional organization.

Our Association is a remarkable blend of union and professional organization, with a proud history of serving Rhode Island. Since its inception in 1845, our members have been at the center of every struggle to advance the finest of American dreams: the promise of a quality public education for every child. One in every 100 Rhode Islanders is a member - chances are, you know us already!